Sopa de Letras


Chopped tomatoes 1/4 onion Garlic Water Olive oil Alphabet pasta Chicken bouillon cube

Make the tomato sauce


To a blender, add tomatoes, onion, garlic clove and 1 cup of water.

Blend until smooth


Blend the tomato sauce ingredients until smooth and set it aside until use.

Toast the pasta


Heat oil in a large stock pot and add the package of alphabet pasta. Stir frequently until golden brown. Do not let this burn, or you will have to start all over again.

Add the tomato sauce


Now add the tomato mixture to the pot with the toasted pasta. Stand back! This will splatter, and no one likes to get burned.

Add water


Water goes in next. I don’t add a lot of water, if you want a thinner soup with more broth, add more water.

Add the chicken bouillon cube


Chicken bouillon gives the soup a lot of flavor. It also salts the liquid. For my vegetarian readers, you can use vegetable broth.

Cover with a lid


Give everything a good stir and cover with a lid. Let this cook until the pasta is tender.

Serve and enjoy!


One of my favorite things to do was to get come to a bowl of this soup. Hope you enjoy this Mexican childhood favorite.

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