Mickey Mouse Hot Chocolate Bombs


Chocolate Almond Bark package Yellow Candy Melt package Hot Chocolate Mix package Mini Marshmallows package Regular Size Marshmallow

Originally, I saw the video on TikTok then a million times over on Facebook. Immediately, I had to go to Amazon and buy the round silicone mold. (Affiliate)

Round Silicone Mold

Melt the chocolate


Melt the chocolate in the microwave. Be sure not to overcook the chocolate, then pour it into the mold to harden.

Cover with chocolate


Cover the marshmallows with melted chocolate and allow them to dry on parchment paper.

Decorate the chocolate bombs


Melt the red candy and place in a piping bag and decorate the hardened chocolate. Allow to dry completely before adding the yellow candy melt for the buttons.

Seal the chocolate bombs


Add the hot chocolate mix and marshmallows to one of the chocolate circles. Melt down the bottom and place both ends together while the chocolate is still hot.

Place the ears


Place 2 on either side of the bomb where the seam is to give Mickey his ears. You will have to hold it for at least 30 seconds before letting go or it will fall off.



Get the kids involved, they’ll love seeing Mickey come to life. This is the best way to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate!

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