Pipián Verde


Pepitas or pumpkin seeds Tomatillos Onion Garlic Serrano peppers Whole chicken Water Bay leaf Salt Olive oil

Roast the sauce ingredients


Place under the broiler until everything is charred. Roasting is a big deal in the Mexican cuisine.

Toast the pepitas


You must toast the pepitas, but be very careful. You do not want to burn them, or you will need to start all over again.

Blend until smooth


Place all the ingredients in the blender. Blend until smooth. Then set aside until ready to use.

Cook the chicken


This is an entire chicken cut up into pieces. In Mexico, we eat all cuts of meat. There is no waste.

Cook the sauce


Heat oil in a deep stock pot, then add the Pipián Verde. Bring to a simmer.

Add the cooked chicken


Add the cooked chicken to the pot. Bring to a simmer. The chicken will be cooking for 10 minutes with the sauce.

Serve and enjoy!


Serve it with rice to soak up all the juices. I added calabacitas and corn on the side, but you can also add broccoli, green beans, or spinach to the plate.

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